exhaustive cropping


exhaustive cropping 耗竭耕作


adj. 徹底的, 詳盡的, 消耗的, 枯竭的

cropping :


exchangeable cation percentage{=ECP} 交換性陽離子百分率
exchangeable hydrogen [可]交換性氫離子
exchangeable nutrient [可]交換性養分
exchangeable sodium percentage{=ECP} 交換性鈉百分比
exchangeable sodium ratio{=ESR} 交換性鈉比率
exfoliation 剝蝕作用
exhaustive cropping 耗竭耕作
exhaustive cropping technique 耗竭耕作技術
exhumed soil 裸露掩藏土
exogenic agency of soil erosion 土壤侵蝕外營力
expert system of soil and water conservation 水土保持專家系統

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